Track Your Expense
With Our App

We are keeping providing cloud service for keep storing your data. You can access your account through our android app and website.

Get Started

Awesome Features

Track your expense like a transaction. You can checkout from anywhere through our apps and website. You can add trasaction like expenses and earnings. Then You can check out of last 12 months of data from us.

Easy To Use

Our app and website is user friendly. So, You guys can use our application very easily from anywhere just login into our application.

Trace Everything Anytime

We are providing you to trace anything about your transactions of last 12 months. So, Just Click on any old month, See your previous transactions.

Analysis Charts

You can find a clear monthly and yearly analysis report graph and chart with categories and Last 12 months analysis reports.

App Functionalities

Handle You Data on
Your Own Away


User Info, Current Balance and Last 10 latest transactions.


You can use our root category and can create with your basic needs


You can include your transaction data with trxID and Payment methods

Payment Method

You have full CRUD facilities to include any payment method for your own.


We have full Analysis reports of graph and charts. Yearly and monthly category wise reports.

Account Deletation

If you think, You removed your account from our apps. All Infos will be deleted.

What Our Client Says

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John Doe

Product Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor samet consenter discing elitr, serewd diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.Lorem ipsum dolor samet consenter discing elitr, serewd diam.

John Doe

Product Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor samet consenter discing elitr, serewd diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.Lorem ipsum dolor samet consenter discing elitr, serewd diam.

Very Easy To Use Just Following 3 Steps

Download Apps, Create and setup your accouts. Congratulations! You are ready to use.

Install This App

Download our android App and Install into your phone.

Login Or Signup

Signup Now for new user and have an account, Login Now

Setup Account

Add Bank/Payment method, Ready to use your app and track with insert transactions.

Frequently Asked Queries

Basic questions about our apps

Yes, It's free but contains some limited ads. You can use our premium version for ads free and monthly email reports.
Yes, You can see your transaction and remove anytime.
Yes, You can delete your account permanently. All data will be deleted.